Friday, 28 May 2010

Belfast Zoo

I'm a bit conflicted when it comes to zoos - I know that unfortunately one of these days they'll be the only remaining habitat for some of our rarer species, but I don't like to see animals that are usually able to roam for miles and miles to be confined to spaces that are only tens of metres in size.

As I've visited Belfast several times now I was running out of new things to see so I settled on the Zoo despite my misgivings. I think I earned someone's displeasure in making that decision however, as the weather turned from bad to atrocious as soon as I stepped off the bus and headed up the mountainside towards the Zoo grounds - the rain started to beat down and the clouds descended so that the whole place was shrouded in mist. Of course that meant that many of the animals sought shelter in their enclosures so most of them might as well have not been there - they were nowhere to be seen. I was surprised by the animals that seemed to actually thrive on it though - meerkats, giraffes and zebras seem to rather enjoy wet and stormy weather! Have a look here at the photo album if you don't believe me!

From Belfast Zoo May 2010