Friday, 6 May 2011

Screen Deep's 'Bunker PLC' at the Dalston Bunker Next Week

From next Monday the 'Dalston Bunker', a genuine WW2 era underground complex on Abbott Street, will be playing host to Screen Deep's 'Bunker PLC' for one week - an interactive experience where visitors are invited to see what life is like in the year 2031.

I'll be visiting the installation on Friday evening and according to their website I'll be seeing humans pollinating bees, vertical farming and 'weather modification police' (whatever they might be). As well as the artists who are participating there are also performers, so I imagine that the experience will be similar to one of Tom Spindler's events (although hopefully less gruesome!).

If you want to check it out yourself, you just book one of the timeslots on their website - it's only £7 a pop for what looks like  an absolutely unique experience!