Saturday, 14 May 2011

Dalston's Secret Underground Bunker Plays Host To 'Bunker PLC'

Last night saw us descending into what is euphemistically called the Dalston 'bunker', a secret underground complex dating from World War II just off Abbott Street, for a unique event, 'Bunker PLC', organised by ScreenDeep.

After queueing up for a while outside with a small group of other willing victims we were ushered down the stairs into this concrete underground complex to begin our 'initiation' with this fictitious mid 21st century company. In a dimly lit room an actor posing as a quirky human resources officer with a strange verbal tick ("A pen sir? Hmm? Hmm?) had us all complete a form with a series of aptitude tests on it - given the lighting I couldn't see, so I activated the torch function on my phone to cast some light on the subject - for which I got some praise for my initiative!

We were then led down a completely pitch black corridor into another room, where an induction video explained some of the facts about this future company and its products. Following that we were led through a series of rooms to carry out various tasks - matching weather patterns to particular cities using a series of transparencies, spraying plants with colour coded liquids according to what they were and then carrying out a gruesome operation on a frighteningly realistic and blood spattered 'corpse'! As we went along we were plied with various drinks that I'm at a complete loss to identify and, in the final room, we were allowed to relax for a while in front of a very nicely realised 3d relief of a rotating sun. Minutes later we were plunged into darkness for our final scare as red lights began to pulse up in the ceiling and a recorded voice barked out that an emergency evacuation was under way.

The whole 'Bunker PLC' experience was very disconcerting and left me feeling decidedly uncomfortable afterwards, with its intimations of a ravaged future world. As I intimated in my post earlier in the week, it turned out to be not unlike one of Tom Spindler's horror shows. I'll be intrigued to see what they come up with next!