Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Ai Weiwei's 'Circle of Animals' @ Somerset House

Stretching out in an arc around the fountains in the central courtyard of Somerset House you'll currently find the 'Circle of Animals' by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.

Styled after the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, these scultptures each stand about fifteen feet high and three or four feet across. This is the first large outdoor display of Ai Weiwei's work in London, and coincides with the fact that he is currently being detained by the Chinese authorities, whereabouts unknown, after being charged with what are euphemistically called 'economic crimes'. To mark the display of the 'Circle of Animals', writer and broadcaster Ekow Eshun is chairing a talk next Monday, 6 June, on 'Art, Activism and the Avant Garde' at Somerset House. Ai Weiwei's work will be on show until 26 June - they are well worth a visit. If you can't get over there you can see the rest of the photographs that I took today here.