Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Serco Prize for Illustration @ The London Transport Museum

Unfortunately I wasn't able to go along earlier this evening, but tonight saw the award ceremony for the Serco Prize For Illustration take place at the London Transport Museum. Many of the entries to this year's competition featured very stylised graphic art - if you're a regular traveller on the underground network you'll recognise this as a common theme of information posters used on the tube over many years, dating all the way back to those iconic posters from the 20s and 30s where people were exhorted to move to the extremities of the network to enjoy country living (fat chance of that these days!). This year's winning entry by Anne Wilson, a children's book illustrator from Reading, is a case in point and a classic in the making I'm sure.

You can read up a little more on the competition on the museum's website here, and if you decide to visit the exhibition featuring all of the shortlisted entries to the 2011 competition, entitled "The River Thames", will be on display at the Museum until 3 June. There's also a talk on the significance of poster art on the tube at 3pm this Saturday, and you can find out about tickets for that event here. I've been to several talks in recent months and they're always a real eye-opener   - anyone with a love for London  will find them  fascinating.