Anne Frank & You @ The Hackney Empire

April 13, 2012


In the Hackney Empire’s new exhibition space (which is on Wilton Way behind the theatre) you’ll find the ‘Anne Frank & You‘ exhibition.

This new pop-up exhibition has been produced in conjunction with the Amsterdam-based Anne Frank Foundation. It recounts her life in hiding and the final betrayal that saw Anne and her family sent to their deaths in a Nazi concentration camp, through excerpts from Anne’s diaries, a ‘genocide’ tunnel that contains information on the Holocaust including some rather alarming artifacts, and a recreation of the small room where she and her family hid. Towards the entrance there are boards that examine the continuing acts of genocide that are still taking place throughout the world today, issues around equality and, most forcefully, a plea for people to stop being indifferent and to take a personal stand against racism, religious intolerance and the other issues that can cause conflict even here in the UK.

As you can imagine a visit to the exhibition is a very powerful experience, and will no doubt cause you to question your own views on these issues. I strongly recommend a visit if you’re in the Hackney area. The ‘Anne Frank & You’ exhibition runs until 3 May and is free of charge.

About The Londoneer

Pete Stean is a keen blogger, amateur photographer, singer and ham radio enthusiast in his spare time... Google+

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2 Responses to “Anne Frank & You @ The Hackney Empire”

  1. Henry Says:

    I saw this advertised the other day and I’m glad to hear it is worth getting down to Pete.

    I completed a module on literature of The Holocaust at university and it was incredibly powerful, fascinating and harrowing. Would love to get along to this.

    Interesting to hear they’ve incorporated a contemporary theme relating the genocidal issues of today too.
    Henry recently posted..Spitalfields Life: win a copy of East London’s latest tome!


    • The Londoneer Says:

      Well look, it isn’t going to have the impact of a visit to Auschwitz, the ghetto boundaries in Lodz or the infamous platform at Grunewald station in Berlin (all of which I’ve done), but it does reveal some facts that I didn’t know. I thought the recreation of the room, complete with family photographs and the sounds of people speaking quietly to each other was particularly poignant…


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