Thursday, 3 November 2011

Karachi to London at the British Council

Sitting outside the British Council's offices just on the south side of Trafalgar Square you'll find a truck decorated by young people from Luton in the style of a Pakistani folk truck, as part of 'Eastern Exchanges' which is a London 2012 Cultural Olympiad 'Stories of the World' programme. Along with artist Rory Coxhill the young people visited the country a year ago to find out more about Pakistani folk culture and returned to create what is an incredible feast for the eyes.

Incredibly decorative, the design features peacocks which the drivers believe will bring them luck on their  journey, and eyes which are believed to scare away evil spirits and keep them safe. In common with trucks found in Pakistan the truck also features various texts, both religious verses and poetry. Please take a moment to look at the other images in the album here - it's really spectacular.


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