Discovering The Doctor @ The Doctor Who Experience

This morning we went down to see the exhibition that has recently landed in Kensington Olympia, the ‘Doctor Who Experience‘.

The ‘experience’ consists of a long series of static displays of props and costumes which are dedicated to the entire history of the Doctor Who franchise, so you’ll find a complete set of the Doctor’s costumes (including the briefly seen eighth Doctor, Paul McGann, from the 1990s American TVmovie) as well as those of his companions. There are also monsters old and new, featuring a complete display of the different Dalek designs right up to the most recent, brightly coloured models and also recent additions such as the Ood and the cat people. Amongst the smaller props are several TARDIS exteriors and the complete sets of the main console rooms from both the Tom Baker/Peter Davidson era and the Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant version.

In addition to these ‘historical’ artifacts is the experience’s piece de resistance, an interactive story featuring the latest Doctor, played by Matt Smith, created specifically for this exhibition where he guides the assembled group of ‘random shoppers’  through a series of spectacular sets as he attempts to escape from the ‘Pandorica’, which featured in last year’s episodes. I won’t give the game away completely, but expect to get hands on with some very important equipment during this thirty minute adventure, and also expect some shocks and surprises including finding yourself in a very dangerous place indeed…

From Doctor Who Experience March 2011

Is a visit to the Doctor Who Experience worth the £20 entry fee? I’m not sure, although the two people in our party who were dressed up as the Doctor, complete with waving sonic screwdrivers, would clearly disagree. If you’re awaiting the next series with bated breath I’m sure it will be right up your street… just remember that there are only a few weeks to go before it closes however.