London’s Old Thin Blue Line

February 22, 2012

London Sights

Dotted around London are a couple of remnants of our policing past – blue emergency telephone boxes that at one time would have been located across the city and allowed both police officers and members of the public to call in emergencies. Unfortunately none of the ‘Doctor Who’ style boxes remain on the streets (they were a little home from home for an officer on duty, often including a heater, seat and desk) but a few of the boxes which sit on top of posts can be found in various spots across central London.

The one in the photograph can be found on the north-western corner of Grosvenor Square, but I’ve found an interesting pdf file that provides an extensive history of their creation, use and decline, which you can download here if you’re interested in investigating further.

About The Londoneer

Pete Stean is (currently) a civil servant working for the British Government and a keen blogger, amateur photographer, singer and ham radio enthusiast in his spare time... Google+

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2 Responses to “London’s Old Thin Blue Line”

  1. Matt Says:

    There are quite a few TARDISs across town, though only a couple have any claims to authenticity


    • The Londoneer Says:

      OK so my guess would be that there are only 2 “authentic” boxes left (and I wouldn’t be too sure about the one in the Churchill War Rooms – those things are made of cast concrete and it would have been hell to maneuver it into the building). So if we discount that one the only way to get up close and personal to a blue police box will also guarantee you a night in the cells, at best!


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